Kristian Author of articles



  • The first signs of prostatitis in men will be a signal to see a doctor. At the same time, the appearance in the chronic and acute form of the disease is significantly different. The main symptoms of acute and chronic prostatitis are described in the article.
    29 November 2021
  • Folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary method of treating prostatitis. All the most effective alternative recipes for prostatitis are collected in the article.
    27 November 2021
  • Treatment of chronic prostatitis is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a correct and responsible approach, as well as professional advice. Learn how to treat chronic prostatitis with medicines and folk remedies.
    7 September 2021
  • Treatment of prostatitis with herbs, effectiveness, how herbs work for prostatitis, the most effective herbs for prostatitis, how to brew herbs for prostatitis, duration of treatment, contraindications to herbal medicine, reviews of specialists and men.
    10 January 2021
  • Features of the treatment of prostatitis with drugs: groups of drugs and the rules for their use.
    5 November 2020
  • 12 ways how to get rid of prostatitis at home. Pumpkin seeds. Aspen bark. A decoction of the leaves and roots of hazel.
    2 June 2020
  • Chronic prostatitis can be treatment and its the correct version, the disease goes into remission, which, in turn, can continue for quite a long time. Specific period fully depends on correctly chosen course of medicines.
    5 March 2020